0344 880 6155
CPiO aims to provide a flexible, high quality range of support related services to its customer base, by promoting an open, straightforward approach to business relationships.
All CPiO Support Team consultants have been trained comprehensively in the CPiO product portfolio on which we offer assistance to our customers through the support hotline desk, normally from Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm, excluding statutory holidays. Please note that CPiO records its support calls for quality and training purposes
How to access CPiO customer support
Remote Diagnostics
Online via secure portal
Key contacts
Support Manager
Siobhan Finegan
Operations Manager
Rob Bradley
Technical Director
James Bedford
Support hotline: 0344 880 6155
Support ftp: tp.waterdale.co.uk
Support email: hotline@cpio.co.uk
The Support Team
The Support Team maintains a weekly minimum average of five qualified Support Consultants to respond to support queries from our customers. The dedicated support line is answered directly by a Support Consultant to provide the shortest possible response time to a problem. This service is open to all customers with a valid Support and Maintenance Agreement with CPiO for support of applications. Technical or developer support is available for those customers with a valid Support Plus contract.
On a rare occasion when a consultant is not available, the call will be answered and logged as an ‘open unallocated’ ticket, by an administrative staff member-identifying a log as awaiting its first call.
‘Open unallocated’ tickets take priority over any other status and will not change until a Support Consultant has made contact and agreed the next action. The support call logging database not only reminds consultants at 15 minutes intervals of ‘open unallocated’ logs on the system, but is also used to record the progress of logs. A list of the key system status codes appears later in this document.
The Support Manager is responsible for monitoring the service levels and relationships with our customers, ensuring the team members provide cover for any logs where the consultant currently dealing with the issue is absent from the office, i.e. due to sickness or holiday, in order to provide an uninterrupted service. The service provided by the Support Team is as defined in your current Support and Maintenance Agreement.
Business Hours
The Support Team aims to provide the highest quality support service. To achieve this, each consultant is a specialist in specific applications, utilities or technical areas, with training in other areas to ensure they are competent ‘allrounders’.
CPiO provides hotline support from Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm, excluding statutory holidays.
Please note a reduced service may be provided between Christmas and New Year, details of which are sent out via a support bulletin.
Out of hours support
Outside of normal working hours, e.g. before 8.00am, after 6.00pm or at weekends, you can contact the hotline support team by email ready for the problem to be logged as soon as possible for the next working day.
There may be exceptional circumstances when you require assistance outside of the normal working hours. Arrangements can be made to allow you to contact a nominated consultant, subject to prior agreement. This standby cover is always provided on an individual customer basis and is chargeable.
Support on weekends or on UK Public Holidays can be provided by prior arrangement and is a chargeable service. Application for this service should be made in the first instance to your Account Manager, providing at least a week’s notice to determine availability and costs, to be billed up front.
Onsite support
There may be occasions when either CPiO recommends that, or your preference is to, receive support on your site. This can be provided by prior arrangement and is a chargeable service. Application for this service should be made in the first instance to your Account Manager, to determine availability and cost.
Logging Tickets
Details relating to a new problem, a question, or an existing log can be communicated to the Support Team by email or through the support portal.
Visit CPiO support portal to create an account and select log ticket.
Upon contacting the Support Team, and after security screening, you will be asked to supply some basic information in order to log your query. As soon as the query is logged a log number will be assigned and issued to you. This number is a primary reference for all further actions until the issue is resolved to your satisfaction. The log number should be quoted in all discussions and correspondence.
At this stage, please be prepared to provide the following information:
- Company name and contact details
- A description of the problem
- The product, module and its version number
- Any bespoke details
- Full recreation and testing details
- Screenshot of emails
If you did not observe the problem yourself, please try to recreate it in a demo company first and have all the information available before you call. You will often be asked to supply screen prints and control reports etc. to enable tracking of the problem. Sometimes it helps to send the information by email as this allows details to be written, which can be overlooked in a telephone conversation. To email, please provide the information as above to the address hotline@cpio.co.uk. This will automatically generate a unique ticket reference in our system and an allocation to a Support Consultant
Customer responsilbilities
Before submitting new calls to the Hotline Support Team please ensure that:
- The question has not already been logged and is awaiting a response.
- The question has not been resolved previously and an answer provided.
- The product is/is not functioning as documented and you need further help.
- Trends in queries are spotted and training is undertaken or requested where required.
- The problem can be replicated to ensure the cause is not a procedural error.
- You have attempted to track the cause of the problem and where possible can provide recommendations for the likely cause.
By providing explicit information you will help to expedite the resolution of your call. To assist you with this, below is a list of useful questions to ask yourself:
- Does the problem occur in one company or more than one company?
- Does the problem occur for one user or multiple users?, Please confirm.
- What is the option name that is causing the problem, the option version number and assembly version number?
- Is the user with the problem using a ‘formset’ or non-standard menu, if so what happens if you use the standard ‘formset’/menu?
- Has this problem occurred before or has this always been a problem?
A note on security and privacy
CPiO retains the right to ask security screening questions where we deem the information to be company or contact sensitive. We will also seek written authorisation from you should you wish to alter security or access rights. We regret that no company or contact sensitive information will be relayed verbally over the phone; CPiO utilises a secure messaging service to deliver such information. If you require additional security or authorisation procedures please contact the Support Team to discuss.
Support Plus
CPiO encourages all customers to opt for a Support Plus package which provides your users with a pot of time against which additional support services can be offered. For examples of the Support Plus package and how it can extend the services available please see the Glossary. This ‘call off’ time is billed in time periods of 15 minute blocks. It can be used for any issues outside of the normal terms of your “Support and Maintenance Agreement”, providing we have the skill sets and the availability of resource
We'd love to hear from you
Complete the contact form, let us know the nature of your enquiry and one of the CPiO team will be in touch.